
How do I feel, small and insignificant As I look at the clouds How do i feel, weak and fragile As I see the trees shed their leaves How do I feel, strong and capable As I see what surrounds me What about the sea ? I cannot define me I am just a waveContinueContinue reading “Me”


its sad, how a screen lights more faces than the moon does how a screen gets more smiles than a stranger how a screen gets more attention, than our hearts how a screen has more control, than our minds how a screen is saved whilst friends hurt how a screen shows photos whilst nature isContinueContinue reading “Screens”

Young Boy

“Day comes, its light reassuring The nights sky busy; terrifying He sit there trembling, Poor little thing. Faces around him clueless Petrified and helpless. Young boy of 5, taught to be brave ‘Dad, they’re bombing’ He dares misbehave His mother tries her comforting voice His fathers pride wont take that choice ‘Worst happens, we’re goingContinueContinue reading “Young Boy”

Green thoughts : Power

Power: a disease of the mind. Addictive; preoccupying the mind of what its actually meant to do. Built into the core of the ego. Even those who realise its poison try to avoid it, to be in power of themselves. Its a fucking dilemma. I mean all kinds of power, from President to a bus driversContinueContinue reading “Green thoughts : Power”